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Gyeongmin Bang
‘Mirinae’ is a media art installation which invites the participant to experience one’s own death in an artistic manner as a way to prepare well dying. We all have to encounter death some day, so well dying is no less important than well being. Death is such an important part of life. There are dying experience services available, but Mirinae finds ways to augment the analogue ways with digital experiences in lowering emotional barriers involved on death, and to reestablish one’s attitude about death. Consequently the project aims to lessen one’s fear about death and helps face well dying. The installation consists of interactive contents including digital motion graphics covering 3 walls and 33 electric lights responsive to heartbeat. The scenario flows in three parts; the last minutes of life, the moment of death, and the posthumous hours. This is implemented in four stages; rethinking the dying, setting up for the experience, watching the motion garphics, and fianally experiencing the media installations. These stages of experience are driven by a heartbeat sensor and electric lights to show unique results to different users.
The site has three components. First, three beam projectors cover the three walls of a 3.4☓3.7 meters wide totally dark space with digital motion graphics. Second, the main light which goes up and down by electric motor is located right above the lying viewer, and there are 33 supporting electric lights on the ceiling. Third, the viewer lies on a bed which changes its angle electrically. On the bed a tablet computer and the heartbeat sensor which controls the whole experience is installed. The moving main light acts as the relating medium between the viewer and the installations on the ceiling. We can focus on life more only when we have the inner calmness achieved beyond a fear about death. Mirinae hopes to be an installation offering a peaceful lasting experience about life.
Date : 2020