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Chani Yoon
Tone & Color Changing Guitar
I wanted to depict most of how I spend the hours in a day using music and my own visual language. So I chose a musical instrument, specifically my favorite instrument that is the guitar, as a medium that brings together audio and visual senses as something I would be designing. The subject of visualizing music led to the question, “What would happen if the tone of a sound would change according to the form of the musical instrument?”
The existing guitar mostly changes the tone of a sound in a fixed state, but using an additional device such as an effector. So I looked into new ways that would not use a fixed state but would connect the form of the musical instrument to the tone of the sound. After identifying some key effectors, each sound was visualized and designed into the form of a panel that could be inserted into the guitar. So, once the panel is inserted into the transparent guitar, the tone of the sound and pattern change. Up to two panels can be inserted at a time.
Date : 2020