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College of Design & Arts, School of Design Convergence receives Winner Prize in 2022 Korea Designer Portfolio award


Hongik juniors Kim Ji-Eun, Park, Hey-Min and Lee, Ji-Sol from College of Design & Arts, School of Design Convergence won Winner Prize in 2022 Korean Designer Portfolio Contest ‘Wake Up Your Sleeping Works’.

The 2022 Korean Designer Portfolio Contest ‘Waking Up Your Sleeping Works’ is a design award hosted by PRESENT, a document-based communication platform.

The winning entry ‘Mungmong’ is a service for pet owners who dream of a happy life of elderly dog . ‘Mungmong’ is a service that provides systematic dog care plans and information to pet owners using mobile applications and smartwatches to solve the difficulties of finding and practicing information related to elderly dog care.

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조형대학 디자인컨버전스학부 2022 대한민국 디자이너 포트폴리오 공모전 최우수상

조형대학 디자인컨버전스학부 3학년 김지은, 박혜민, 이지솔 학생 (지도교수 조윤주)이 2022 대한민국 디자이너 포트폴리오 공모전 <잠들어 있는 너의 작품을 깨워>에서 최우수상을 수상했습니다.

2022 대한민국 디자이너 포트폴리오 공모전 <잠들어 있는 너의 작품을 깨워>는 문서 기반 커뮤니케이션 플랫폼인 PRESENT에서 주최한 디자인 어워드입니다.

수상작인 ‘멍몽(멍夢)’은 노령견의 행복한 노후를 꿈꾸는 반려 구성원을 위한 서비스입니다. 서비스 이름인 ‘멍몽’은 의성어 ‘멍’과 한자 ‘꿈 몽(夢)’ 합친 단어로 노령견과 반려인이 꿈꾸는 노후를 만들어가자는 의미를 담고 있습니다. ‘멍몽’은 노령견 케어와 관련된 정보들을 찾고 실천하는데 겪는 어려움을 해소할 수 있도록 모바일 어플리케이션과 스마트워치를 이용해 반려 구성원에게 체계적인 노견 케어 플랜과 정보를 제공하는 서비스입니다. 

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Insang Kwak, Visiting Professor

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Assigned Teaching Subject

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Master of Formative Arts (ecole Superieure d’Art et Design Le Havre-Rouen)

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Gyuri Kim, Visiting Professor

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Assigned Teaching Subject

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Doctor of Design (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

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Jaehwi Na, Visiting Professor

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Assigned Teaching Subject

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Master of Design (Hongik University)

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Gyeongmi An, Visiting Professor

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Assigned Teaching Subject

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Doctor of Design (SungKyunKwan University)

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Seungjun Lee, Visiting Professor

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Assigned Teaching Subject

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Doctor of Engineering (Soongsil University)

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Sanghyun Cho, Visiting Professor

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Assigned Teaching Subject

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Master of Design (Design Academy Eindhoven)

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Jieun Han, Visiting Professor

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Assigned Teaching Subject

Level of Education

Doctor of Design (Hongik University)

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Doyeop Kim, Affiliated Professor

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    Master of Fine Arts(Hongik University)

Assigned Teaching Subject

Level of Education

Master of Fine Arts(Hongik University)