Film & Animation

Creative Visual Storyteller

Educational Purpose

School of Film & Animation
sets a goal of fostering creative visual storytellers
who will work in various media outlets including the movie
and animation industry.

The program takes course educating on broader subjects such as storytelling, visual arts, humanity and the society.
Its goal is to cultivate expertise who leads the global K-media industry through educating
on not only the traditional filmmaking theories and hands-on practices,
but also on the latest media technology.


An educational environment on visual storytelling in media where you can grow into individual expertises

1st year students take course in the School of Film & Animation starting with the Foundation class, which focuses on visual storytelling processes that helps the students to express their creative vision in the form of various medium. Advanced courses follow with close mentorship, giving students the knowledge to the overall filmmaking production pipeline to produce independent projects. The school awaits for future students to join the program to help them bring out their creative artistry and passion in filmmaking.

Contact Info

Business HoursMonday ~ Friday 9:00 AM~5:30 PM (Winter Season 9:00 AM~5:00 PM)

School of Film & Animation Cafe
Administration Office
044-860-2754, 044-860-2258
Training Support Office2