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Yoon Ju Cho Assistant Professor

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Assigned Teaching Subject

Creative Thinking(1), Design Convergence Studio(1), Interface Design(1)(2), Mobile Design, Design Convergence Studio(4)(5)

Level of Education

Seoul National University, Department of Design, Doctor's (Course of study)
New York University, Interactive Telecommunications (Interaction & Experience Design), Master
School of Visual Arts, Graphic Design, Bachelor


2020 - current : Assistant Professor, School of Design Convergence, Hongik University
2011 - 2020 : Samsung Electronics, UX/UI Designer
2007 - 2009 : Saatchi & Saatchi, Designer / Art Director, New York
2006 - 2007 : Spire Creative Group, Designer, New York
2005 - 2006 : Picture Magazine, Art Director, New York
2006 - 2006 : Razorfish, Freelancer Concept Designer, New York
2005 - 2005 : G2 Worldwide, Freelancer Designer, New York

Field of Study

UX/UI Design, BX/CX Design, Mobile Design, Digital Contents Design, HCI, Service Design


2022 : A Proposal for Digital Contents and Interface Design to Help Relieve Negative Emotions for Mental Health, Journal of Digital Contents Society
2021 : A Proposal for Edutech Contents and Interface Design Using Augmented Reality(AR): Focusing on children’s figure learning, Journal of Digital Contents Society
2021 : Proposal for Customized Mental Health Help Service Design Based on User Emotion Analysis, DSUS
2021 : Delivery Service Design Considering Safety and Awareness Improvement of Delivery Man, DSUS
2021 :Proposal of Digital Contents and Interface Design to Improve Passenger Experience in Aircraft : Focused on Low-cost Airlines, Journal of Digital Contents Society
2021 : A Study on the Application of Image Colors of Visual Identity of Japanese Professional Baseball Team - Focused on Emblem, Color, Mascot, Journal of Korea Society of Color Studies
2020 : A Study on the Application Plan of Digital Media Funology to Enhance Multiple Experiences of Edutech Based on Smart Home-Schooling Contents Design, Journal of the Korean Society of Design Culture
2011 : An exploration of spatial media in spatial marketing, Tisch School of the Arts, New York University, Master's thesis

Research Subject

2023 : MetLife 360Health App UX/UI Design, MetLife Insurance Co.Ltd.
2022: A Study & Proposal for Card BX Design, Samsung Card Co., Ltd
2022 : Website Design for Hongik University, College of Design & Arts
2021 : AR App UX/UI Design Proposal for Interior Material Simulation, DSP Co., Ltd.
2020 : General SOC Corporate Branding and Website Design Proposal, Jinhwa Technology Corporation Co., Ltd.
2020 : Self-health care kit service branding and mobile app UX/UI design proposal, QSTAG Co., Ltd.
2020 : Patient Behavior-based Hospital Mobile App UX/UI Design, CM Hospital
2020 : Platform planning and UI proposal to target strong fandom, Universal Brothers Korea Co., Ltd.
2020 : Research on discovering safe and educational kids content in line with the trend of the 4th industrial revolution, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


2006 : CD Packaging, Magazine, Branding and more, New Talent Design Annual 2006, U.S.A.


2022: The Butterfly Dream II, KSBDA Spring International Invitational Exhibition, Sangmyung University, Gallery Wolhae & Mille Hall
2021: The Butterfly Dream, KSBDA SEOUL International Special Exhibition, Sangmyung University, Gallery Wolhae & Mille Hall
2010 : Interactive Project 'New York Story', Big Screen Show, IAC Building, New York
2010 : Interactive Book 'Magic Book', mmm Exhibition, NY Studio Gallery, New York
2004 : Line Forms Here, School of Visual Arts Gallery, New York
2004 : Artist Mark 'Consumer', Barnes&Noble, New York

External Activity

2022 - current : Director, Korea Society of Design Science
2021 - current : Director, the Korea Society of Color Studies
2020: Advisory from the Korean Culture and Arts Commission