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Paldo gizil janchi

Daeun Kim, Jungvin Park

Since when did people from Chungcheong  become slow and people from Gyeongsang become urgent in our thoughts? There are various dispositions but this has turned into a negative language, and its roots have been deeply established by local prejudice. The temperament feast aims to look at the long-standing prejudice of each region as a temperament before it is a prejudice, and to draw out positive energy to show the charm of everyone in Paldo. Based on the two function trash cans that collect and throw away garbage, we visually expressed them in six trash cans: Gyeonggi, Chungcheong, Jeolla, Gangwon, Gyeongsang, and Jeju. Now, we hope you will throw away prejudice in the trash can to respect each other’s temperament.

Date : 2021